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Maybe babies do come with manuals? What is cued care and its benefits?

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

As soon as you have a baby all you want to do is make sure they are happy and healthy and in those first intense weeks you can feel overwhemled and totally confused by what your baby needs! Is he wet, is she hungry, oh no is my baby tired?

That is why I love Cued Care!

What is Cued Care?

Cued care is listening and responding to the small movements and sounds (cues) our baby's make when communicating with us. Why Cued Care?

It helps us recognise our baby's needs, responds to them in a way that builds secure attachment and creates a beauiful bond between us and baby filled with trust and love.

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The benefits of Cued Care I love cued care as it goes hand in hand with a slow postaprtum which, as you know, I am hugely passionate about. No bouncing back, no to feeling like you have to go out and about, no to loads of visitors. Yes to keeping that newborn bubble sacred and honouring your fourth trimester so you and baby can get to know one another and for you to recover making the huge transition into motherhood that little bit smoother and calmer. Cued care will help build a secure attachement with your baby,, build trust and help you feel confient in knowing what your baby needs and when and the best way to respond to their cues.

Leaning into cued care with our baby in those first few months bring us back to the basics of slowing down, listening to our baby and our own mamma intuition along with turning down the external noise that surrounds us the minute we bring our baby back home. 💜 But remember listening and recognising our baby's cues can take time whether you are a first time mum or third time mum. With Jude I totally missed his cue of frantic, jurky movements as a cue that he was tired I read it as he still had more energy and it took me at least 6 weeks to notice this.

Here are three tips that can help support cued care in those first early weeks:

  1. Slow down - t's totally ok to stay home, nest and be really really slow in your fourth trimester this will help with getting in tune with your baby andlearning to recognise their cues.

  2. Trust your intutition - put Google away and don't feel bad for not listening to Great Aunt Betsy's advice!! You know best mamma when it comes to your baby, follow that intuition.

  3. It's ok to say no - That goes for anything and everything - if you don't want visitors in those first weeksthat totally ok! This allows you to respond easiely to your baby's cues and not deal with an over stimulated and over tired baby.

if you're pregant and awaiting the arrival of you bub is Cued Care somrthing you would like to practice? If so chat to your partner about it and together create an envirnoment where you will be able to practice cued care in those early weeks.

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