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I have drawn on all my knowledge as a mother, birth and postpartum doula to create The Essentials Checklists! There are so many things to think about when you are expecting a baby so many options and choices, you can easily get carried away and buy too much and lose sight of what you actually need! These checklists include everything you REALLY NEED, items that will make life easier as new parents!


 It is the ulmiate checklist and covers the following:

  • What to pack in your hospital bag
  • What to purchase for the arrival of bub - from furntiutre to feeding
  • What Mamma needs in her postpartum
  • What to pack for day trips out


I also include my top tips, nice to have lists and brands that I love. Print the checklists off  and enjoy the feeling that you now know exactly what you really need!


The Ultimate Essentials Checklist from birth to bub

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